Send someone special a burst of sunshine with this cheery bouquet. This arrangement is made up of white daisies, yellow roses, white carnations, yellow solidago and a beautiful mix of greenery that's accented with a cheery daisy bow.
Brightly mixed blue delphinium & status, orange lilies, and sunflowers, solidago, palm, and green foliage accented with blue deco wire ( Vase color varies ) Approximately: 24" H x 18" W. Orientation: One Sided. Substitutions may apply. Please note: To ensure the freshest of the fresh, your blooms may arrive in bud form. This maximizes their shelf life, so they’ll last as long as possible! Allow 2-3 days for your new buds to open and reach full bloom.
Bask in the warmth of the sun with our Bee-You-Ti-Ful arrangement. This stunning piece features vibrant yellow lilies, delicate wax flower, and solidago, all beautifully woven together with red roses and sunflowers. White hydrangea adds a touch of elegance, while curly willow provides a rustic touch. You may even spot a few buzzing bees enjoying the sweet nectar of these blossoms.